Surgical Name : Lateral Brow Lift / Coronal Brow Lift |
Hospital Admission: 1 night |
Duration of Operation: 2 - 3 hours |
Anesthetic: General Anesthesia |
Recommended stay in Bangkok: 7 - 10 days |
Who benefits from a forehead lift?
- Clients with frown lines or furrows between the eyebrows or across the top of your nose.
- Clients with excess skin or fatty tissue hanging over the eyes.
- Clients with sagging or low eyebrow position which creates a tired, sad or grumpy appearance.
- Clients with deep horizontal creases across the forehead.
How is forehead lift surgery performed?
An incision will be made across the forehead below the hairline. If you are bald or balding, Dr. Boonchai may use a cut in the middle of the scalp to avoid a visible scar. Dr. Boonchai may or may not use several small cuts and perform the surgery using an endoscope (a small camera). After removing excess tissue, skin, and muscle, Dr. Boonchai will close the cut with stitches or staples.
Pre-Operative Care
Our team will evaluate your medical history to check for conditions that may delay the surgery or the healing process. Some of the common conditions are:
- Bleeding tendecies – problems with blood clotting, or lack of clotting.
- Scarring problems you have had in the past – like keloid scars and hypertrophic scars.
- Hypertension (High blood pressure) – particularly if it is not under control.
- Smoking – this may affect your reaction to the anaesthetic and prolong the healing process. Please stop smoking 4 weeks prior to surgery.
Please avoid aspirin and brufen-containing medication for two weeks prior to surgery to eliminate the chance of post op bleeding.
Post-Operative Care
It is imperative that your scars be protected from the sun for a good 6 months after surgery. Use a sunscreen with a skin-protection factor (SPF) of at least 15 at all times. It should be applied before your makeup. You may begin applying makeup 3 days after your sutures are removed.
The small scars will be hidden in the hairline. The scars will become almost unnoticeable within a few months. You will probably appreciate your final appearance in about one month. The results of a brow lift usually last for many years.
All of the swelling does not usually disappear for 4-6 months.
If any hair loss occurs (which is unlikely), the hair follicles go into a resting phase for 2- 4 months. The hair then begins to grow again in almost all cases.
You may feel that your hairline has been pushed too far back. Do not be confused, over the next 4-6 months the hairline will drop back to its “normal” position.
Contact the hospital, if you have the following symptoms:
- Fever greater than 100o F or 38.5o C.
- Fresh bleeding, other than that of a minor nature.
- Excessive and sudden swelling.
- Pain not relieved by two pain relieving tablets.
- If you have any yellowish or greenish drainage from the incisions or notice a foul odor.
- If you develop redness (like a sunburn) on your face.
- If one half of your face appears much bigger than the other.
- Bandages seeming too tight.
- If you have any side effects to medications; such as, rash, nausea, headache, vomiting.
- Any injury to the face.
Prices include all hospital, operating room, anaesthetists’ and doctors’ fees, a single private room, standard meals, medications and medical supplies. Generally patients will only pay an additional amount for telephone calls and additional meals extra to the standard hospital supplied meals.
THB 130,000
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